William Bridges

Posted by adminRC in כללי | סגור לתגובות על William Bridges

Various causes may be that cause resistance to change, consider that the resistance to change is a symptom that requires a thorough organizational diagnosis to determine the reasons for the resistance to change, then give way to administrative actions appropriate. People in business often are reluctant to become convinced resist the proposed change would not be the best for the organization. Added to this is also insufficient information, allowing those unable to assess the information required for proposed change. Sometimes the resistance is manifested by coercion personal and political reasons, in fact, to show the manager that has no power to bring a new action, leading to resistance is often said that resistance to change may be due to what is called the cost of losing the investment, ie the proposed changes threaten the investments that individuals or groups have in their experience. What can be done to eliminate the resistance change? a. – to evaluate the proposed change, to experiment with alternative changes..

– Investigate ways the group could be preserved, providing additional information, allowing more time to form a new group once the change is implemented. e. – Minimize the changes become anachronistic important skills or unbalance the grading system. Consideration of Management must be clear and defined which one (s) is (are) the changes to be made, the change process from the point of view, for it is invited to bear in mind that according to what it says William Bridges, an author specializing in change, as has been proposed for the case of organizations, on a personal level also change inevitably involves passing three important states. The first has to do with the end of the old state of things, the "letting go of something." The second is the neutral zone, phase to which we refer to mention the concept of transition. It is the psychological process that people must pass to be in tune with the new situation. It is important to understand that change does not happen without this process. לעומת זאת, הקרן למנהיגות ציונית בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. The third is the new beginning, the first steps into the new reality. Very valid conclusions stated by Alejandro Reyes and Jose Angel Velasquez, a well-driven process of change means to achieve a personal transformation that makes this man more alert, more flexible and therefore often have to initiate an analysis of the internal review and self-knowledge. In this change, as lifelong learning process, senior management must be involved in the organization and all its employees. Fundamental changes are not subject to decree and perhaps today we have the opportunity to use these turbulent times for our values and principles that represent our "balances" have a place in the person and the company. It's good to be alert, and although it is not possible to halt the dizzying pace of change, at least we should be aware of the precarious balance that is constantly changing, being necessary to stop as often as necessary to listen, to try to understand, refocusing the objectives, achievements and goals towards a common address. Do not forget our coexistence with the organization, if not, maybe the change exceeds our ability to respond.

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