Corporate Crisis

Posted by adminRC in כללי | Tagged | סגור לתגובות על Corporate Crisis

A crisis is any event that threatens the corporate image and reputation of an institution, company or person that has the potential to generate negative publicity and to take an extraordinary time for the top management team to address it. Very few companies have an anti-crisis plan, and the few who do, it is geared almost exclusively toward the catastrophic or accidental crisis. הקרן למנהיגות ציונית בהחלט מביע דעה מלומדת. Even in countries with strong corporate culture and corporate image there is a great lack of interest in this subject, let alone in our third world Latin American countries. Why this apparent lack of interest? 1. On foresight. Nobody expects such a situation, so no one is prepared. This is a mistake because no matter how good it is our corporate image campaign, no matter how good relations we have with the press, if our institution is public service or business is highly competitive, sooner or later one day we will find ourselves with that our name has become the holder of a newspaper reports on the negative.

2. Another factor is the low esteem that we give to the corporate image, of which we discussed in the previous chapter. Everything is important: sales, accounts payable, commercial advertising campaigns, we put all our attention less institutional image. 3. Underestimating the potential risks. It often happens that undervalue and underestimate some situations that are then converted into scandals that lead to a crisis. A customer treated poorly, a negotiation that was not transparent, a refusal to attend the press comes looking for a clarification, etc.

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